Colorado and WRF update

The Copper camp wrapped up with some amazing training opportunities for our crew. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we had double session training at 9:00AM and 2:00PM. The athletes were on snow from 8:15AM until 4:00PM for some very high volume days to finish their prep camp. Knowing that SL training is easy to come by once we return home to Windham, we spent the majority of our time focused on paneled events. Each day of gate training was comprised of a morning session of paneled SL and an afternoon session of GS. The athletes were continuing to work on building a solid stance and being balanced over the downhill ski through the arc. They were all asked to "over-ski" each course in an effort to build consistent turn shape above the gate. This would allow them to consistently release the ski as they passed by the panel and continue to build shape and pressure above the gate. The ultimate goal was to have the apex of the turn up the hill from the gate and outside the rise line....